Answers Enabled: October 2012

Monday 8 October 2012

Representing Class and Status

   The clip starts by the slaves walking in wearing nothing but simple ponchos, they are surrounded by guards and other slaves. Although the slaves are not physically bound, they have no other choice  but to follow.  There simplicity contrasts to the guards, who are wearing intricate armour and are carrying weapons. This shows the contrast between class and status as the slaves are portrayed to be plain and simple, where as the guards are clearly shown to be in  charge. This is backed up by the back drop, the slaves are surrounded by plain and simple colours. Again, adding to the contrast between them and the guards.
   When the slaves are lead into the box, they are often shown from a high angle shot showing they are weak and powerless, a lower class than the guards. This is then reinforced by the fact that the royal family are sat directly opposite, but above them, at a much higher level, surrounded by bright colours and luxuries. This is a contrast and makes sure the audience are aware, that the royals are physically and socially higher than the slaves. When we see the royals, there is always a low camera angle, showing superiority over the slaves and contrasting them. The only times the royals are shown from a high angle, is when a over the shoulder shot it used, to show them physically ,looking down upon the slaves. Therefore, depicting the slaves to be disposable and unimportant. The shot lookign out of the box, shows a marxist view of society in roman times, and too an extent now, with the hierarchy of lower, middle and upper class, in a pyramid form, with of course, upper class at the top.
    The music throughout the clip adds to what is happening on screen. When the slaves are lead into the box the music is slow and somber, signifying oppression from the upper class, of the lower, and showing how their life now, is a miserable existance. This is oppossed to when the royals are show, as the music has a quicker tempo, with a more bouncy feel to it, again contrasting with the miserable lower class, and the luxurious life of the upper class.
    When the slaves are sat in the box there are quick transitions of shots showing the four men. This creates a tense atmosphere and shows the audience, that not only is there tension between the classes but also within.  When the second pair are fighting,  again the camera angles quickly change. It is edited like this to add emphasis on the fight, and again create tension between the classes, and show how little the upper class value their lives. Also, the are a lot of shots looking up at the black man, showing his superiority over the protagonist. This is the subverted as when he disobeys, and is killed, he is shown from a high angle shot, showing how, although he was superior in the fight, he is inferior in regard to the upper class.
    The shot when the second pair are in the box watching the first pair fight is very dramatic. Using a point of view shot to watch the first pair fight, shows us how big the gap actually is between the classes. They are treated like animals, by the upper class and shows the little control the lower class actually have in their own lives.